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This quick fix and overnight achievement is such a killer!

Diet pills, quick-fix healthy drinks, lose weight, diet meals that can work for everyone, and the list goes on — but we all forget that it’s all about taking care of our inner being and really about tuning into ourselves – listening to our body. And it takes time…

In our society now, it’s all about moving fast, making a decision quickly, getting something fast, fast, fast – you know what I’m saying. And we get so frustrated when we don’t get what we want; what we’re working on seems to last only for a short period or once you stop – you’ll get back to square one, and we give up so quickly that we forget to slow things down. In reality – that’s not how it works for a longer period of time…

If you’re looking to live healthier, fulfilled, and with a positive approach in life – you’ve got to watch this episode πŸ™‚.

We are all unique; thus, our bodies react differently. Type of meals might work for you but not for me; your body might be sensitive to salty food but not for me. What function to one person might not function the same to another person – I think you get my point – we have to experiment a little bit here and there until we find the approach that works for us – this applies to every aspect of our lives.

In this episode with Catherine Polet, you’ll learn:

  • It’s more than just eating habits to live a healthier lifestyle
  • Understanding the Back to Basics
  • Home Cooked Meals better than Eating Out and how we can find ways & time to make at home
  • From Diets to Sustainable Way of Living
  • The Power of Good and Enough Sleep
  • How Can Breathing Helps Improve your Health and Wellness
  • Drink and Hydrate with Water
  • You are What You Attract

Time Stamps

  • 01: 09 – 05:14 βž–βž–>Get to Know Catherine Polet
  • 05:14 – 07:35 βž–βž–>Common Reasons People Fail to Lose Weight or To Live a Healthier Lifestyle
  • 07:35 – 31:10 βž–βž–>Quick-Fix Diets
  • 31:10 – 40:06 βž–βž–>3 Daily Health and Wellness Habits
  • 40:06 – 49:08 βž–βž–>How Do You Keep Yourself Optimistic
  • 49:08 – 55:23 βž–βž–>Where To Find Coach Catherine Polet

DEEP THINKING: When thinking about making a change in life, always start with “why” you want to do it? And when you have that answer, follow it with “how” to start small actions every day. That small action every day over time will turn into a habit and keep you in momentum. Consistency and discipline are two of many powerful keys to help you achieve where and what you want to be in life. And remember, STOP comparing yourself to others – you don’t know how long or how far that person is already doing what you’re just about to do in life. And what they’re working on might not be the same as what you want. Focus on Yourself.

Until next time πŸ‘‹.
No matter how big or small you want to achieve in life, take action now, use everything you learned from this interview, and keep going for your goals. Take small steps every day.

With so much love,

Cindy Marie owns the majority of the materials.
DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved to the owner of other photosβ€”no copyright infringement intended in this article.

Have more questions or queries? Let’s connect. πŸ˜ƒ

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