Wherever you are right now, let it teach you something. Be kind to yourself on the journey and in the process of who you are becoming.
Are you the type of person who doesn’t want to be restricted with some techniques, strategies, or disciplines to become the person you want to be or be in a place where you want to be? Or, we’d say, the free-flowing way of thinking. If yes, then this episode is right for you.
Or having that trouble with anxiety, depression, fear of doing something new, or having a hard time seeking help, especially for men out there; this episode is something you don’t want to miss.
I’m genuinely grateful to interview and get some insights from Life and Business Coach Stu about shifting our mindset to create the life we want.
Another inspiring story you will hear from him how his childhood/teenage memories of being bullied, stressed, and growing up with anxiety and depression. Even not talking with women for almost 10 years, and now, as a Life and Business coach – he is sharing his knowledge and experience to encourage many people like you and I making our dreams a reality.
“Doing and then seeing what happens.” – Coach Stu
In this episode with Coach Stu, you’ll learn:

- What you SEE on Social Media is not entirely the reality, don’t be so caught up with it.
- Life is always guiding us.
- Embrace or be OPEN to UNKNOWN – not knowing anything
- How dropping the ego and habitual mindset/thinking can help transform life
- A MACHO man knows when to open up and drop the EGO to transform his life.
- It’s not a weakness to seek HELP (shout out to MEN out there too)
- Don’t believe everything you think or feel – challenge yourself!
- Other people’s opinion doesn’t DEFINE YOU
- What matter is BEING TRUE TO SELF
- You have the CHOICE to make to keep YOURSELF in a positive mood
- Just BE
- You Are UNIQUE
Time Stamps
- 01: 47 – 13:17➖➖Story of Stuart Rawlins
- 13:17 – 27:21➖➖What Causes People to Ignore the Cues/Signs to take action to Transform Lives?
- 27:21 – 37:07➖➖Opinion of Others – and How to Get out Of it and Move Forward?
- 37:07 – 48:34➖➖How to Create your Mood to be a more Optimistic, Positive Energy to create a Good day?
- 48:34 – 55:19➖➖Where To Find Coach Stuart Rawlins

Many of us procrastinate or feel anxious because we’re not being PRESENT or in the NOW. Let’s experiment! When you feel stuck or unable to find the answer you’re looking for.
Start practicing the approach of Slowing down or being in the present moment, expect that there will be high resistance from you, and don’t be worried about that – it’s normal because you haven’t rewired your habitual thinking or actions. Start by being gentle to yourself, and speak gently that what you’re doing will benefit you. Start welcoming having a free-flowing mode of thinking, and when you’re free and have that space; you’re going to be surprised how light, calm, and relaxed it can make you feel with consistent actions, or you’ll get the answer out of nowhere when you’re on you’re relaxed and free-flow mode thinking. And to be present, ask yourself what Coach Stu said, “What is one thing you can do today?”
Now go ahead and experiment; let me know in the comment below what ONE ACTION you’re committing to or what your experience is by slowing things down.
And being in a place of not knowing is sometimes more powerful than we thought – let go, trust the process, allow to experience, and JUST BE.
Until next time.
No matter how big or small you want to achieve in life, take action now, use everything you learned from this interview, and keep going for your goals. Take small steps every day.
Cindy Marie owns the majority of the materials.
DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved to the owner of other photos—no copyright infringement intended in this article.
Have more questions or queries? Let’s connect.