“Thoughts lead to feelings. Feelings lead to actions. Action leads to results.”
T. Harv Eker
It’s fascinating while I’m finishing this episode; one email I’ve got from the newsletter I’m subscribed to – shared the quote from Marie Forleo. It says, “Don’t be afraid of failure, be afraid of not trying in the first place.” I thought it was very relatable to share here as in this episode – Mike Garrick will break down and unpack many juiciest and great quality of information that you don’t want to miss.
I believe each of us would like to impact this world. Or would like to achieve something we call success, whatever that means to you – yet most of us feel stuck or unable to move forward. And one key I learn as I continue the new journey in my life is that most of us have stronger fears or feelings of failing than the possibilities that we can achieve or become the person we want to be. Now, you can ask yourself – whether it’s something you want to build a strong mindset, a healthier lifestyle, be physically fit, etc. How exactly do you want to achieve those? Can you take the uncomfortable actions to get there?
The good news is Mike will help us understand how our minds and our bodywork. And learn the things we can experiment with to shift our mindset and strengthen our body.
In this episode with Mike Garrick, you’ll learn:
- Feel the Pain and Learn from it
- The Whim Hof Method
- Focus on the NOW
- The Brain is the master of the Body, and the Breath is the mas
ter of the Brain.
- Control is an Illusion
- C.O.R Model
- The reason WHY we don’t take ACTION
- The Importance of KNOWING what you WANT
- Face Your Fears, Be Uncomfortable
- FAILURE is part of the GROWTH and SUCCESS
- Feed Your Mind with Good Quality of Information
- The Importance of limiting or skipping reading/watching News
- Practice new approaches in life that will make your life better.
- Experiment, Practice, Act
Time Stamps
- 01: 28 – 13:10 ➖➖>Story of Mike Garrick
- 13:10 – 28:02 ➖➖>Mind: Shift Mindset and the C.O.R. Model
- 28:02 – 37:37 ➖➖>Body: Understanding Weight Loss and Healthier Lifestyle
- 37:37 – 44:31 ➖➖>Morning Routine/Habits to Start Your Day with a Blast
- 44:31 – 46:38 ➖➖>How Do You Keep Yourself Optimistic?
- 46:38 – 51:35 ➖➖>Where To Find Mike Garrick

DEEP THINKING: What do you want in Life? What does a healthier lifestyle mean to you? What do you think of a positive mindset? When you really want to listen to INNER YOU, it might require some meditation can be like walking in the park, listening to music, whatever meditation works for you that will invite the answers to what you’re looking for. And when you got the answers, write them down – let them sink slowly to you. Then, the next question you can ask yourself – how willing am I to take action (mostly uncomfortable ones) to get to where I want to be? If your answer is a HELL YES – great! Start little by little every day. If the answer is NO, you may want to go back to what you’ve written as your answers – and rewrite it to where you are comfortable taking action or options you’re comfortable at. And accept it. Sometimes, accepting things can be fulfilling rather than keep on wishing for something, yet you’re not doing anything. Or prefer to stay in the box.
If you want something, don’t wish for it – work for it.
Until next time 👋.
No matter how big or small you want to achieve in life, take action now, use everything you learned from this interview, and keep going for your goals. Take small steps every day.
With so much love,
Cindy Marie owns the majority of the materials.
DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved to the owner of other photos—no copyright infringement intended in this article.
Have more questions or queries? Let’s connect. 😃