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CHANGE, CHANGE, CHANGE for GOOD – what do you feel when hearing these words? Does it make you uncomfortable? Does it make you feel guilty? Or you’re up to it to push yourself to become the best version of yourself and have a more fulfilling life?

What about facing our FEARS? Like fear of losing, fear of judgment from others, fear of starting new, fear of rejection, and so many to mention that block most of us from transforming and being where we want to be.

I’ve learned that as we grow up, most of us believe that we no longer have the chance to expand, grow, improve, and be somebody that we never thought we could be as opposed to the person that we always wished/dreamed of becoming one day – but we never push ourselves, and we wonder why. Or because, as we grow older – it’s scary to take more risks because we have already built the personality that most people know about us. Therefore, you don’t want to take risks or challenge yourself to become the person you want to be; letting FEARS overpower you. The POWER is WITHIN US.

The Comfort Zone will not bring out the best in us. It will just limit us until we lose track of time and give up. Challenging situations are there for us to take so that we can transform. These will give us a more meaningful life; we feel joy and have a more prosperous life. Believe YOU CAN.

We always say this to ourselves; if only if I have this/that, then I will feel this/that. Let go of the expectations and what can be the outcome, and let actions lead the way – do it anyway despite the Fear of change, and enjoy the journey of your progress every day. Positions, titles, money, and expensive stuff mean absolutely NOTHING when YOU’re empty inside. You can fool the people around, but you can never fool yourself.

Thinking when to start, the time is NOW, and don’t know why? This episode definitely is a must for you to watch.

In this episode with Monica Mascarenhas, you’ll learn:

  • Understanding the Fear and getting out of the Comfort Zone, slowly take action to CHANGE.
  • When we question our own stories, we slowly help ourselves expand, grow, and create the possibility within us.
  • Personality isn’t PERMANENT.
  • Have that BIG Desire/WHY to Change so that Commitment will follow.
  • Link your WHY with serving someone/people to have a better/prosperous life.
  • Shift our perceptions of people, things, and circumstances to be more meaningful, valuable, and as a gift to transform our lives.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.

Steve Jobs

Time Stamps

  • 00: 55 – 02:36 ➖➖>Story of Coach Monica Mascarenhas
  • 02:37 – 08:46 ➖➖>Fear of Change
  • 08:46 – 18:45 ➖➖>Transformation Begins with Commitment
  • 18:45 – 43:05 ➖➖>A Course in Miracles
  • 43:05 – 36:11 ➖➖>How Do You Keep Yourself Optimistic
  • 36:11 – 41:34 ➖➖>Where To Find Coach Monica Mascarenhas

DEEP THINKING: When you’re in a position to want to have an extraordinary life – start by asking yourself, how many/much uncomfortable actions are you willing to take to get there? If you answer not really, but sort of – that means you’re not fully committed to having an extraordinary life. It’s good to visualize but not willing to get uncomfortable. Learn that challenges are adventures in disguise in life – when we’re younger, we already feel Fear, but we do things anyway; why? Because we’re curious. And that curiosity still lives in us, not because we’re older we don’t have the chance to do things that will make our lives fulfilling. We have the POWER within US; believe it, own it, and start NOW.

Until next time 👋.
No matter how big or small you want to achieve in life, take action now, use everything you learned from this interview, and keep going for your goals. Take small steps every day.
With so much love,

Cindy Marie owns the majority of the materials.
DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved to the owner of other photos—no copyright infringement intended in this article.

Have more questions or queries? Let’s connect. 😃

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