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Most everything that you want is just outside your comfort zone.” “Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.” “Our job is not to figure out the ‘how’. The ‘how’ will show up out of the commitment and believe in the ‘what’. “

Jack Canfield

Who doesn’t want to have that powerful CONFIDENCE, CHARISMA, and Be a CHANGEMAKER? Deep inside of us, that’s all a hell of YES!

Now, the question is – why are only a few people who have mastered or achieved these skills living in the highest mission or purpose? Let’s dig into that.

Suppose you’re exploring who you are, where you want to be, wanting to live with a great purpose in life, working on building self-esteem and confidence with a charismatic attitude, and being an influential person in a good way. In that case, I think Jun and I conversation can add value to those you’ve been working on.

Jun Fuchs, all the way from Bali (originally from Switzerland), a Certified Life Coach and award-winning author, thoughtfully shares his journey and how Confidence + Charisma is a powerful combination to master along with being a Changemaker.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The Confidence in You and how to boost it
  • Understanding the Confidence + Charisma vs. Cocky/Arrogance
  • Inner Peace
  • Work on Core Values
  • Inner Work
  • Explore, be Creative, and be Playful
  • Take Action
  • Practice, practice
  • Stay Patient
  • We are all a CHANGEMAKER
  • Believe that Everything is POSSIBLE
  • Routines to Elevate Positive Energy

03: 00 – 14:29 >>>The Story of Jun Fuchs
14:29 – 29:00 >>>Confidence and Its Importance
29:00 – 37:48 >>>Why Confidence + Charisma?
37:48 – 48:18 >>>Why Be A Changemaker?
48:18 – 55:30 >>>How Do You Keep Yourself Optimistic?
55:30 – 1:04:29 >>BONUS Question and Where to Find Jun Fuchs

P.S. We’ve talked about the Charisma root word > χάρισμα (khΓ‘risma), which means “favor freely given” or “gift of grace.” (Wikipedia) πŸ˜ƒ

It’s important to stress this out here — it doesn’t matter your age, your position, or your situation in life when it comes to learning, exploring, and mastering your craftβ€”in this case, working on that Confidence, Charisma, and making an impact in life.
Have that inquiry to yourself: What is blocking you from owning that “I can be as CONFIDENT and CHARISMATIC person that I want to be?
Do you have a support system that allows you to explore and be curious about knowing more about yourself? And if you can do everything without thinking of any consequences or fear, what do you want to create to make a difference in this world?

I’m curious about that, and I’d love to know in the comments below.

No matter how big or small you want to achieve, take action now, use everything you learned from this interview, and keep going for your goals. Take small steps every day.

Believe that everything you want to achieve is already within you; work on that, stay patient, and stay on track – everything will slowly show its ways to guide you every step.

Cindy Marie owns the majority of the materials.
DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved to the owner of other photosβ€”no copyright infringement intended in this article. 

Have more questions or queries? Let’s connect. 

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