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What is Self-Help or Self Improvement Means to You?

For me, it means GROWTH. Discovering ways on your own actions to help you improve your life, develop your potential, and be the greatest version of yourself. As I grow older, I am more convinced that we are responsible for the person we want to become or the life we want to achieve. And that’s starting by taking action…

I’m an avid fan of self-help or personal development through reading and listening because I always want to learn, I’m keen to discover my potential, and I’m always trying to be open for possibilities in life; though I used to be suck at reading books (I’ll share with you my journey on reading books soon 🙃) – And as the quote said; You will never know your potential not unless you push yourself to find it.

Are you on the journey of pushing yourself in the right direction?!? Or you’re a self-help junkie like me; here are my personal favorites self-help or personal development podcasts that you can consider adding to your podcast lists, or you can start listening to now.

FYI: These podcasts are in no particular order, and it’s not a paid blog post; they’re all helpful and valuable podcasts to listen to, in my opinion, and I thought it would be valuable for you too. See and listen. Choose whichever you think fits your preference or style to help you become who you want to be or push you to take the right direction.

Why Listen to Podcasts?

I think there are so many great benefits for you to start listening to podcasts right now, and one of those it’s FREE. I started listening to podcasts 2 years ago when I quit my last job and wanted to keep myself productive daily while slowly pursuing the person I want to become.

We know that Podcast is ready to download and can access anytime, anywhere. Still, I have no clue that it was a powerful tool back then, not until when we’re traveling so often, and I wasn’t a huge fan of reading books/e-books yet; I decided to give more Podcasts a try, and that’s somehow life-changing for me.

I love Podcasts because these give me the flexibility to listen to them whenever I can, either outdoor or when you’re at home, anytime, anywhere you want to basically, and pretty convenient because it’s within your phone that you always carry anyway.

Here are My Personal Reasons Why You Should Start:

  • It’s FREE; did I mention that already 😉.
  • So many topics to choose from, whichever interests you and hopefully listen to that really add value to your life. I personally use Podcasts for Self-help or Personal Development purposes.
  • You can listen to different Podcasters and anytime, anywhere – yeap, I’ve said it earlier 😁.
    My favorite time to listen to it is either when I am cooking or when I have my shower, and when we’re on the road, while waiting for any appointments, or when you have that free time instead of browsing social media – that’s just how much I want to stay on momentum 😁
  • It’s so accessible that you can listen to it on any device you’re using, or you want to listen to.
  • Just like e-books or audiobooks – you can access your favorite podcasts by downloading them when you’re offline.

While I am listening to my favorites podcasts through Apple Podcasts, there is a wide range of platforms or apps out there you can choose from however you want to start accessing them. Your preference 😁

Let’s dive into 6 Self-Help Podcasts to Push You in the Right Direction

1. Quote of the Day Show by Sean Croxton

Sean Croxton – a podcast host, author, entrepreneur, and prosperity teacher. I love this show because he came up with the brilliant idea of bringing multiple amazing Speakers or Coaches into his Podcast, sharing the short motivational audio clips on how to help you become who you want to be – from Finance Talk to Motivational talk and more. Through this show, I got to know more Motivational speakers or coaches, including him, to become my mentors, helping me keep my momentum and stay focused towards my goals or dreams that I want to achieve slowly but surely 😉.

Sean Croxton also usually sharing his truth or honest thoughts or opinions on each episode on how it can be truly valuable to you. Be aware that some episodes are straight-to-the-point talk, including Sean Croxton’s point of view, to really help you understand what it takes to see changes in your life in a good way. If you like listening to short but precise motivational audio clips and also with direct-to-the-point talk to keep you moving forward – you may want to consider listening to this show.

ABOUT THIS PODCAST: The Quote of The Day Show is your daily dose of inspiration, featuring the best-of-the-best speakers and prosperity teachers. Each episode spotlights an inspiring quote and 5-10 minute motivational audio clip to help you live a life you love. Featured speakers include Bob Proctor, Lisa Nichols, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, and more. Hosted by entrepreneur and money mindset expert Sean Croxton.

2. The Mindset Mentor by Rob Dial & Kast Media

Rob Dial – a leader in the business and personal growth space as the Founder of MWF Motivation. Another amazing and on-point Podcast to listen to; where Rob Dial shares his no B.S. tips on how you can ultimately change your life into where you want to be and who you want to become from individuals, business professionals, entrepreneurs, and small business owners. He also interviews incredible people sharing their real-life stories on how they become who they are today and bring valuable takeaway for all the listeners or viewers. He published his podcast videos on his YouTube or Social Media accounts if you wish to watch every new episode.

My mantra is always to dare to face the challenges in life, even if it can be hurtful – because that pain makes you stronger for good. I like no B.S. show or podcast – a podcast that will share you the honest can be hurtful but will definitely encourage you to take action for who you want to become. Check it out and see if you like his style, and perhaps you can add it to your Motivational Podcasts to listen to.

ABOUT THIS PODCAST: The Mindset Mentor™ podcast is designed for anyone desiring motivation, direction, and focus in life. Host Rob Dial has amassed a passionate following of over 3 million social media followers, including business professionals, entrepreneurs, and small business owners with his expertise and passion for helping motivate people to become the best version of themselves. If you’re ready to take your life to the next level, are searching for more purpose or you just need extra inspiration or motivation, tune in to The Mindset Mentor Podcast.

3. The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

You’d probably know Robin Sharma, if not – he’s one of the world’s leadership experts and speakers and author of books like Robin Sharma Daily Inspiration, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, and more.

I mentioned earlier that when my husband and I started to travel frequently, where I gave podcasts a try, I started with Robin Sharma’s podcast. I’ve been watching his useful and valuable videos since 2 years ago. His incredible style of teaching or strategies to accelerate leadership or productivity level convinced me to take to the next step – to read his book ‘The 5 AM Club’ – through this book; I’ve learned to take my morning routine more seriously than ever; I totally recommend you to read this book; that is, if you like a call to action type of books – this is life-transforming, in my opinion.

What I love about this podcast – not only with his soothing voice 🙂 when you want to have a short yet powerful motivational message to listen to, I’m talking about even 2 minutes; this podcast definitely must be added to your list. He will break down from morning routine to daily behavior, mindset, and more things that will really help you to stay focused, committed, and take action towards becoming the greatest version of yourself. As Robin Sharma said: “Change is hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle and best at the end.”

ABOUT THIS PODCAST: The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma where you’ll receive the mental models, daily routines, and productivity tactics that Robin Sharma has taught to the titans of industry, sports superstars, and elite performers who he has served as a private mentor to for over 25 years. You’ll learn how to live a truly world-class life while you accelerate your productivity, grow your leadership, build your business, and scale your impact on the world.

4. Tony Robbins Podcast

Tony Robbins is known as one of the best Motivational speakers and Life Coaches in the world. A very passionate speaker and/or coach and very dedicated not only to help people achieving goals but also helping people in need. And if you’re in a position where you want to push your great potential, you don’t want to miss his podcast.

Though in his podcast, which host by his team members, most of the episodes are about 30mins above of talk about business, leadership, finances, health, relationships, and more. Some of the episodes are so deep for me to understand, i.e., financial insights, government, etc., that I tend to skip and search for something more relatable for me to comprehend better 😁 (just being honest here). There are so many discussions to learn from this podcast; see it to yourself and listen.

ABOUT THIS PODCAST: “Why live an ordinary life, when you can live an extraordinary one?” Tony Robbins, the #1 Life and Business Strategist, has helped over 50 million people from 100 countries create real and lasting change in their lives. In this podcast, he shares proven strategies and tactics so you, too, can achieve massive results in your business, relationships, health and finances. In addition to excerpts from his signature events and other exclusive, never-before-released audio content, Tony and his team also conduct deeply insightful interviews with the most prominent masterminds and experts on the global stage.

5. The Marie Forleo Podcast

Well known with her book “Everything is Figureoutable” if you’re at the beginning of your journey to work on seriously your true potential – I would highly recommend you to read her book. If so, better read this one first before the other books I’ve recommended, especially ‘The 5 AM Club’; you’ll know why when you started reading all of these books🙂.

Her podcast is the audio version of her MarieTV show. Like other motivational podcasts, her goal is to help uncover your true potential by sharing actionable strategies, interviewing other well-known motivational speakers and/or life coaches, i.e., Tony Robbins. To talk about success, happiness, creativity, being multi-passion, productivity, and more.

I love her super energetic personality that helping you get excited to take action from the strategies she shared and the people she interviewed. I feel that when you’re listening to her podcast or watching her MarieTV, she’s someone who totally gets or understands you. And by the end of her podcast/show, she’s always going to say the very profound message that helps you keep motivated and committed to pursuing what you want to achieve in life. Here it is “Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world really does need that very special gift that only you have.”

I mean c’mon won’t you feel excited as her to pursue your true potential? Check it to yourself, listen/watch, and see what I’m talking about 😊.

ABOUT THIS PODCAST: Named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation and one of Inc.’s 500 fastest growing companies, Marie Forleo’s goal is to help you become the person you most want to be. In this show, Marie and her guests share actionable strategies for greater happiness, success, motivation, creativity, productivity, love, health, contribution and fulfillment — often with a lot of laughs. From business, marketing and career advice, to tackling failure, disappointment and fear, to philanthropy and doing our part to make the world a more loving, just and equitable place — we cover it all. Get inspired, grow stronger, more confident and create a business and life you genuinely love.

6. WorkLife with Adam Grant

Adam Grant – an organizational psychologist, is a leading expert on finding motivation and meaning and living more generous and creative lives. I’ve come to know his podcast when I read his book “Think Again,” which I totally recommend you to read when you’re seriously working on your true potential—another book to add to your reading bucket list.

This podcast might be under the Management genre, but it doesn’t focus only on your work life from the most common challenges we faced through our colleagues, bosses, and projects, but also on working on yourself, your strengths, and become your greatest.

I love so many things about this podcast apart from learning in every episode and the music intro and how he started or introduced his new episode – for me, it’s very catchy and keeps my attention to it. And when you listen to this podcast, you will feel like you’re in a narrative or storytelling podcast with the people he interviews with. Listen to it, feel it, and see if it fits your style 😉.

ABOUT THIS PODCAST: You spend a quarter of your life at work. You should enjoy it! Organizational psychologist Adam Grant takes you inside the minds of some of the world’s most unusual professionals to discover the keys to a better work life. From learning how to love your rivals to harnessing the power of frustration, one thing’s for sure: You’ll never see your job the same way again.

Listening to podcasts is just one of many tools I use for my personal development or self-help journey. There’s no such thing as an overnight expert or success, and everything takes time. I’m embracing the process of where I want to be in the next 3-5years. What about you? What are your actions towards your personal development?

There are so many self-improvement podcasts that we can choose from on different platforms that really speak to you or are relatable towards what you’re going through in life. Which one of these podcasts is your favorite? Which podcasts do you love that’s not on the list? Care to share? Be sure to leave a comment below, so we all can grow together with the podcasts that can help us to pursue our greatest potential.

Thank you for checking in my blog post, and I really hope it’s something valuable for you. If yes, it would mean a lot to me if you can share with your friends or loved ones – through your sharing, our website will grow organically and share more valuable blog posts with you.

Stay safe, share love, be kind, focus on the positive side, and until next time!💖💖💖

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The majority of the photos are owned by Cindy Marie and listed Podcasts.
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