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I grew up not knowing that I’ve been developing the term “Resilience” despite misunderstanding it from all the challenging events in my life, from being a people pleaser to finally owning and embracing the authentic me. I am still continuously improving my Resilience with adversity in life, so you, too, can continue developing your Resilience.

“When we learn how to become resilient, we learn how to embrace the beautifully broad spectrum of the human experience.”
― Jaeda Dewalt

In today’s episode, Resilience-informed Educator and Educationalist – Ernestina Malheiro shares her Resilience journey; we all can relate to different angles, especially if you moved to a foreign country and have to start to adapt to the social differences. She also shares her practical tips on how you can develop Resilience powerfully.

She is the Founder and Trauma-informed Educator at Uplift Learning Inc. In her educational practice, she’s worked with diverse clients, developing and optimizing in-person, e-learning, and blended delivery training. She’s tackled meaningful and complex topics such as trauma-informed practice, cultural competency, minimally invasive surgery, nursing, human rights, Indigenous antiracism, communication skills, and Resilience.

We’ll dive into what Resilience is, why we need to develop, and how we can develop so that we have the power to handle adversity and keep moving forward, achieving our dreams and desired goals.

Resilience is the ability to cope through and bounce back from adversity. — Ernestina Malheiro

Watch/Listen NOW to Learn:

  • Adversity in Life Developing Resilience
  • Mental Health and its Relationship with Resilience
  • Stigma, Discrimination, and Old Belief About Mental Health Issues
  • Adversity, Trauma, and Resilience
  • Life is an Experiment & Exploration
  • Understanding Resilience in Helping and Caring Professionals
  • What Resilience is NOT
  • Resilience Practices
  • Culture and Resilience
  • Practice to Offer More Care for Others to Rest
  • Choices in Life that Empowering
To Rest is to rest in the care of Others – Resilience Practice — Ernestina Malheiro

Time Stamps:

02:15 Resilience Journey of Ernestina
16:23 Real Meaning of Resilience and how it’s being misused or misunderstood
26:45 Self-Care + Resilience Practices
32:56 Cultural Differences
39:37 Resilience Pathways Model
40:55 Practice(s) to Develop Resilience
47:59 Optimism
54:23 Message for every one of us
57:03 Connect with Ernestina Malheiro


You might think, “I wasn’t born being naturally resilient person” – Well, the good news is that you can develop being resilient, too, with the right mindset and attitude. One of many powerful tools or practices that Ernestina shared was being in the Present Moment and Breathing…

To consistently develop your Resilience Power – you may want to experiment as soon as you can with the very well-known Iceman Guided Wim Hof Method Breathing; Yes, it may be challenging in the beginning – and with the right mindset and attitude, you’ll see great results.

As mentioned in our conversations with Ernestina, here’s the Building Resilience Quiz – Take action the soon you can so you can get your results and work on what else you can learn and practice developing Resilience. If you want to transform and experience being the best version of yourself – it’s vital to start investing time in yourself NOW rather than having regrets later.

Give yourself permission to experiment, stay curious, and explore other practices, resources, and tools that will elevate you to access to your FULL POTENTIAL.

Be Unstoppable –

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